Getting Away With It

It is a bit of a paradox, isn’t it? These same people can be shaking in their shoes regarding an invisible virus that doesn’t cause symptoms but will clearly kill them if they are not wearing an old pair of panties wrapped around their face but have no fear at all of an alien vaccine pumped into their bodies with no real testing and no idea at all regarding any long-term effects.

When they hear about problems, years later, they just shrug their shoulders and say, “well, it isn’t hurting all that many people, I’m sure it will pass over me.” Yet, at the same time, even though they may know no one who has died of Covid (and maybe not even anyone who was all that sick), they are convinced THAT little bugger is most certainly going to find them. Get out the panties!

Our Country Our Choice

I have registered the following domains in the hope that soon, someone will spearhead a movement affiliated to that which has been established in the US:

These domains are not for my personal use and I will gladly transfer them for free if/when the UK arm is established.

Contact me.

N.B. If you are concerned about the peculiar looking email address, fear not; it’s to hide my actual email address, so if I start getting spam I can easily change it. Should you wish to contact me, rest assured that your email will be forwarded to me.

Truth sets you free.™

COP28: The Globalist Agenda Has Never Been More Obvious

It’s basically covid all over again.

We know, just like Covid, the official narrative of climate change is a lie.

We know, just like Covid, climate change is being used as an excuse to usher in massive social control and global governance.

And we know, just like Covid, almost every world government on both sides of every divide is backing it.

Even if they don’t always agree, even if they are happy to kill each other’s citizens in large numbers, they are all on board the same globalist gravy train, all going in the same direction to the same destination, and it has never been more obvious.